My Strange Shrinking Parents
‘It goes without saying that we all believe our parents to be strange. Mine were unusual for a different reason than most.’
So begins an imaginative account of growing up different, the transformative power of love and the shape that a life can take.
My Strange Shrinking parents is now available in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy, France, South Korea and Hong Kong.
My Strange Shrinking Parents is published by the wonderful people at Thames and Hudson.
Teacher’s Notes are available in the Activity Sheets section of this website.
“... illustrations as rich with emotion and atmosphere as his text.”
“A symbolic manifestation of a very real sacrifice.”
“A masterpiece… this extraordinary picture book is sure to become a modern classic.”
Children’s Book Council of Australia Winner Picture Book of the Year 2023
Australian Book Designer’s Awards Winner Best Designed Children’s Picture Book 2023
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International Board of Books for Young People (IBBY) Honour List 2024
This Small Blue Dot
‘There’s so much I want to tell you, but here’s the really important stuff …’
A young girl describes the fun and weirdness of life on our small blue dot in a series of lessons big and small.
This Small Blue Dot is now available in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy, Hong Kong and South Korea.
This Small Blue Dot is published by the wonderful people at Thames and Hudson.
Teacher’s Notes are available in the Activity Sheets section of this website.
“This utterly sublime picture book is full of wonder and wisdom, and is a gorgeous marriage of text and illustration.”
“Adults will enjoy this as much as children, and it would be a perfect gift for anyone that has a new baby in their orbit.”
Children’s Book Council of Australia Winner for Best New Illustrator 2021
Children’s Book Council of Australia Notable Book for Younger Readers 2021
Australian Book Designer’s Awards Winner Best Designed Children’s Illustrated Book 2021